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based on Tamás Náray's paintings
HISPANIA - The cycle of the centuries of the crown
WEBSHOP - Artistic prints
All paintings by Tamás Náray (2000-2023)
'Byzantium, the Cradle of Immortality' series
'In the Land of the Saints' series
'Hyperborea' series
'Byzantium, the Cradle of Immortality' series
'The Cradle' series
'The Cradle' series
'In the Land of the Saints' series
'Period of the Imperial Rome' series
Period of the Imperial Rome II.
'The Game' series
'Lost Gods' series
'Old Testament' series
'Inspired by Zsolnay' series
'Mesopotamia, the Legend of the Ancient World' ser
'New Horizon' series
Out off collections paintings
Artistic albums for SALE
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Rondo - Johanna mennyegzője (kattintson a képre)
200 év (kattintson a képre)
Jozefa kertje (kattintson a képre)
Te Gates of Bosporus (click on the photo)
Gladiolus Byzantinus (click on the photo)
Sol Invictus (click on the photo)
Prophets (click on the photo)
The Beginning of Time (click on the photo)
The Seventh Day (click on the pic)
Flames of Museion (click on the pic)
Journey of Aeneas (click on the pic)
The Day, That Changed Everything (24 of August, AD. 79) (click on the pic)
Dethronement of Romulus Augustulus (click on the photo)
Occupation of Judea (click on the pic)
The Third Temple (click on the photo)
The Divided Empire (click on the pic)
House of Romulus and Remus (click on the photo)
Story of Flora (click on the pic)
The Pun Fleet in Front of Lilybaeum (click on the pic)
Juno Meets Iris The Nymph (click on the pic)
War of Mithridates and Sulla (click on the pic)
Geese of The Capitol (click on the pic)
Dea Caelestis, Namely The Balance of The Divine Justice (click on the pic)
Fire Consecration - Mars Vigilia! (click on the pic)
Grove in Aricia - The True Story of Egeria and Diana (click on the pic)
The Judgment - The King of the Jews Before Pontius Pilate (click on the pic)
The Adopted - The Reign of Antoninus Pius (click on the pic)
Diocletianus 303-313 (click on the pic)
Atrium Vestae (click on the pic)
Caesar and Cleopatra (click on the pic)
Emporium Romanum (click on the pic)
The Symbol (click on the pic)
Crossing The Rubicon (click on the pic)
Antonius and Cleopatra (click on the photo)
Cleopatra Comes To Caesar (click on the pic)
Ante Portas! (click on the pic)
Conquest of Numidia (click on the pic)
Kingdom of Massinissa (click on the pic)
The Hidden City (click on the photo)
Realm of Romulus (click on the pic)
Nero Before The Senate (click on the pic)
V. Legion - Alaudae (Germania Inferior) (click on the pic)
VIII. Legion - Augusta (Pannonia) (click on the pic)
VI. Legion - Victrix (Hispania) (click on the pic)
X. Legion - Fretensis (Syria) (click on the pic)
III. Legion - Cyrenaica (Aegyptus) (click on the pic)
IX. Legion - Hispana (Africa) (click on the pic)
Classis Britannica (click on the pic)
Classis Praetoris Misenensis (click on the pic)
Navigare Necesse Est (click on the pic)
The Battle of Actium (click on the pic)
Caesarion (click on the pic)
In The Land of Carthage (click on the pic)
Legend of Rhea Silvia (click on the pic)
Germanicus Iulius Caesar - The Greatest Emperor Who Never Reigned in Rome (click on the pic)
Wedding (click on the pic)
Land of The Nymphs (click on the pic)
Legacy of Euclid (click on the pic)
The Doubt - Paraphrase (click on the pic)
Butterfly Effect (click on the pic)
American Dream (click on the pic)
The Bridge (click on the pic)
Geometrical Rainbow (click on the pic)
Mercurius (click on the pic)
Do They Live Among Us? (click on the pic)
Blue-Matrix (click on the pic)
Glacier (click on the pic)
Night Rain on The Diagonal Avenue in Barcelona (click on the pic)
The House of the Rising Sun (click on the pic)
Until Death Do Us Part (click on the pic)
The Proof (click on the pic)
The Fifth Day (click on the pic)
The Genesis (click on the pic)
Assyrian Treasure (click on the pic)
Ninth Slab - Ballad of Gilgamesh (click on the pic)
Shamash - God of The Sun (click on the pic)
Marduk (click on the pic)
Flames of Agade (click on the pic)
Babylon's Gold (click on the pic)
Palaces of Babylon (click on the pic)
Gate of Istar (click on the pic)
Towers of Babel (click on the pic)
Sixth Slab (click on the pic)
Tigris (click on the pic)
Mesopotamia (click on the pic)
Sanctuary in Nippur (click on the pic)
Sarrukín's Empire (click on the pic)
Queen of Sheba (click on the pic)
Hammurabi's Stele (click on the pic)
Ruins of Larsa (click on the pic)
The House of Sky and Earth (click on the pic)
Walls of Ninive (click on the pic)
Summer Lightning (click on the pic)
Equilibrium (click on the pic)
Finding Nemo (click on the pic)
Eufrátesz (kattintson a képre)
WEBSHOP - Artistic prints
Dea Caelestis, Namely The Balance of The Divine Justice (click on the pic)
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Canvas print - Dea Caelestis, Namely The Balance of the Divine Justice - 90x110 cm
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Paper print - Dea Caelestis, Namely the Balance of The Divine Justice - 90x110 cm
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